my baby girls turns 6 tomorrow. i don't remember the details of her birth...her size, her weight, or the time she was born, but i do remember that feeling of hearing her cry for the 1st time and seeing her beautiful face. words cannot describe that feeling of your 1st child. the memories we have with her are priceless. she is growing so fast and i can't slow her down. she is so lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful people. she was blessed with the most wonderful kindergarten teacher. she is beginning to read. she loves art. she will play outside for hours. she is starting to like 'big girl' things. she loves her cousins. she loves picking on her little sisters. we love her so much and are so thankful she is happy and healthy. though i wish i could go back 6 years ago tonight and start all over, i can not and i know she has big potential.