Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy Birthday John

Happy Birthday John and Daddy!

John is 34 today. He's back to only being a year younger than I am:) In keeping with our special day traditions, we will not be spending the day with him. He is working a trade show in LA and the girls and I are going to Disneyland. In our defense, we were planning on him going to meet us. They are running a birthday special that you get in free on your birthday. The girls and I have passes, so I made plans with some high school friends to go early in the day and then John was going to meet us. Well, it didn't work out. So we will celebrate his day tomorrow!

We are so lucky to have such a wonderful husband and daddy. We love him very much and are wishing him a great day!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My new obsession

My new obsession is Etsy, which is a site that people offer their homemade items, and knit or crocheted hats. I bought Hannah one, that I absolutely love and as I was buying Meghan's, John's mom said she could make it. She made it and sent it today with a note saying if it's too small she can take it out and redo it, well, by looking at the top 2 pictures, it's not too small:) I love it though! For those of you wondering why my Precious Gift From God Kate didn't get one, she would not keep it on so I was not about to spend the money.

Friday, February 20, 2009

1 month

Enjoying her time in her vibrating chair.
She actually loves taking a bath. She is so relaxed afterwards.
Just finishing a diaper change.
Being loved up by her big sisters!
Meghan is officially one month. One month ago tonight I was relaxing in the hospital staring at this beautiful gift we had just received. She continues to be a fantastic baby...not so good tonight though while I was trying to make some Gymboree returns! It doesn't seem like she has grown that much , but I think I am in denial. I am stuffing her into Newborn size diapers and she continues to leak out of them. If I keep her in Newborn, I don't have to face the reality that I dont' really have newborn anymore. She is starting to become more aware, grabbing onto my chain and my hair. She is more awake and alert the last week and a half or so. She took her 1st trip to Disneyland the other day and her 1st trip to the mall tonight. I can't believe how fast the weeks have flown by. If only the pregnancy would go by as fast. She is a bad baby to end on because she is so good. It makes me think I can do it one more time...don't worry family, we're done:) She is anxiously awaiting the birth of cousing #8 and #9 coming next week. I can't believe how much I love her. It seems like she has been a part of us forever. Once again I continue to thank God for how lucky I am to have this beautiful baby.

Monday, February 16, 2009

These kids are driving me crazy...

3 kids WOW! Actually I can't complain. Meghan is like the world record sleep champ. She is up a little bit more, but not enough to make a big difference...yet. This mess happened not because of my children, but because of their mother. This room was honestly spotless, I kid you not for those of you who know me:) Ask John, he will attest to it. I have been working really hard at cleaning and going to bed with a clean house along with making the girls clean their room. Well this phase has made me realize how much I have. So I decided to go through the girls old clothes so I could see what Meghan has up through 1 year. Not a good idea, this was the result!!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

3 weeks old already

3 weeks have flown by in the blink of an eye. 3 weeks ago today our little baby girl was born. I have already forgotten how miserable I was being pregnant:) She is so far the best little baby in the world. If sleeping were an Olympic sport, she'd be a gold medal winner in all events. She has literally spent the last 3 weeks asleep. We have already visited the Dr. for an ear and eye infection and was put on antibiotics. I am trying to enjoy every second of her. She is so tiny and sweet and I know in just a few short months she will be causing me grief:) I can not believe how much I love her. It's like she has always been here and I couldn't imagine our family without her.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I am sick of the judging:)

Everyone who knows us knows that the easiest target of the Kollen girls is Courtney, me.  They make fun of me for just about everything, most notably, my car, my purse, my shopping, my returns, my fear of everything etc...  Well in the last few weeks, all of them have called me saying the exact same thing..."Courtney I feel like you..."  Candace goes to Costco without her card only to return home with nothing and realize the card was in her pocket.  Paige calls me because she can no longer fit into maternity clothes with the size of her belly and what should she do.  Kelsey calls me to tell me she has convinced her OBGYN to schedule her an ultrasound because she is worried her baby isn't growing.  All of these are things I have done to them that they make fun of me for.  Now in the final straw, all of them have had their laughs at my car and my purse.  Here is a look at Candace's purse.   I REST MY CASE!

P.S.  I could possibly have the greatest sisters in the world and I really don't take too much offense to their teasing:)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The middle child syndrome

Not that I don't love Hannah dearly, but check out Kate in this video. I can already tell she is going to have the middle child syndrome. She is jockying for everyone's attention all the time. Ever since she had her surgery, she has done so much better but it is still so difficult because she can not communicate. I get so frustrated, but when I see her like this I just want to pick her up and help her conquer the world:)

Monday, February 2, 2009

This is too much...

I'm down with the California weather, I wouldn't want it any other way, but this in February? It's just too much. I have cute long sleeve and pant outfits for the girls. Can they wear them, no it's too hot, so they are playing in the sprinklers on Feb. 2. I want the gloomy skies and chilly weather!!!!