Friday, August 31, 2007

The Church's hold on Hannah

Hannah just found my check book, which by the way to those of you I owe money to, there is honestly no checks in it:) I swear. But she walks out with the check book and says "Mom we need to go to church now!"

The Almighty Dollar

For a few extra bucks, I signed us up for the Southern Califoria Edison recycling program, where they can shut off your air on really warm days to conserve energy. Well today was one of those days, our first one all summer. It shot up to 84 in our house in about a 1/2 hour. John is not too happy which is such a shocker because he is such a happy go lucky person. Needless to say, I need to be nice to him!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back to Work...on Thursdays

Back to work! I start next week, but today and Thursdays I have buy back days, so I was gone all day today. It was kind of nice getting up and out of the house with me teeth brushed and hair combed before noonish. (I hope I brushed and combed at least)

We're back from the Bass Lake and since then, I have been to the vet twice to restitch Buckeye's aka Stumpies tail. It rubs against the ground and the stitches come off. Super fun.

We had a great time at the lake. At one point, there were 9 kids 4 and under. Jillian 4, Bennett 3, Hannah 3, Mallory 2, Lauren and Kaelyn 2, Katelyn and Allison 2, and Kate 10 months. Let me tell you it was crazy. My lovely Hannah had a very difficult time understanding why all the toys weren't hers. "But I want it", "why", "but I had it first", "but it's mine" "I want it NOW!" were all common phrases that we all heard. At one point one of our family friends little girl who is just starting to speak kept saying "Hannah No" to anyone who was taking something from her. Even Victory the dog got a "Hannah No" when she rolled into her. I blame Kelsey, aka the Toy Whore for bringing all her toys for her girls. I mean come on, if you can't share your toys, then don't bring them right?????

On a brighter note, Hannah was the only one who skied. She was so brave. She got out of the boat so fast to get on the skiis, I think it was still in gear. She got up and was waving to all the people around.

Hope you enjoy the pictures!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Best Gift

I told Hannah today that her and Kate were the best gifts daddy has ever given me. She responded, I'm not a gift, I'm Hannah!! Then she proceeded to turn over the chair stand on top of it and jump off. Gotta love her!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Stumpy's home

Here is stumpy. Our amputee came home last night. She made it through her surgery fine. She is already her old self. It's kind of nice because her tail use to be deadly when she got excited and whipped that thing around!!

Hannah is not quite sure what happened, she asked "Why did they trade Buckeye's tail? How is she going to go poop?"

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Vegas Baby!!!

I have to quick write this down so I don't forget. Here is as much as I can remember of my conversation with Hannah this morning on our walk as we passed a possum that had been hit by a car and was lying on the side of the road.

Hannah: What is that mommy?
Mommy: a possum
H: what's wrong with it?
M: it got hit by a car and killed?
H: Why?
M: Cuz it ran out in the street.
H: Why?
M: Cuz it wasn't paying attention.
H: Why can't it move?
M: Cuz it's dead?
H: Are it's legs okay?
M: No, it's dead. It's legs aren't working.
H: What happened to it?
M: It got hit by a car?
H: Why?
M: Cuz
H: Maybe daddy can help it, we need to tell him.
M: Okay.
H: What happened to the car?
M: I don't know.
H: many more questions about the same.
M: many more answers about the same.

Then we got on the topic of the possums mom and dad.

H: Where is it's mom and dad?
M: they're gone.
H: why?
M: Cuz animal mom and dads let their babies go.
H: Why?
M: cuz that's how God wants it.
H: What happened to the possum?
M: it got it by a car Hannah.
H: Why did the mommy and daddy leave?
M: cuz animal moms and dads don't stay with their babies. Like we have Buckeye, but we don't know where her mom and dad are (or her tail for that matter).
H: Why
M: I don't know Hannah that's just how it is.
H: why (no kidding she asked a million questions)
M: cuz hannah that is how animal mommys and daddys are.
H: Where is the possum's mommy and daddy?
H: okay

I am not lying. After that she hasn't asked another question!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I did it. I can't figure out anything about adding pictures or what have you, but I'm online. We have a new computer, I have a new camera, so I have no excuses. I love reading my sisters' blogs and all their friends, and even the random girl I have found on the internet. I am obsessed with her life and her FOB (father of baby), will she finish nursing school? Will she give FOB another chance? Will her photography business take off? All those things and more!!! My real reason for starting this is to update our lives with the girls. Today, too, I have the most random thing to write about. My loving dog Buckeye, whom John hates, some how got bit by a spider or stung by a bee, and to make a long story short, is currently in surgery to amputate her tail. Not even kidding. Only to me. John would have rather put her to sleep, but when he found out that it was more expensive, he chose the amputation. So our little amputee will be home tomorrow!!

See Ya!!!