Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back to Work...on Thursdays

Back to work! I start next week, but today and Thursdays I have buy back days, so I was gone all day today. It was kind of nice getting up and out of the house with me teeth brushed and hair combed before noonish. (I hope I brushed and combed at least)

We're back from the Bass Lake and since then, I have been to the vet twice to restitch Buckeye's aka Stumpies tail. It rubs against the ground and the stitches come off. Super fun.

We had a great time at the lake. At one point, there were 9 kids 4 and under. Jillian 4, Bennett 3, Hannah 3, Mallory 2, Lauren and Kaelyn 2, Katelyn and Allison 2, and Kate 10 months. Let me tell you it was crazy. My lovely Hannah had a very difficult time understanding why all the toys weren't hers. "But I want it", "why", "but I had it first", "but it's mine" "I want it NOW!" were all common phrases that we all heard. At one point one of our family friends little girl who is just starting to speak kept saying "Hannah No" to anyone who was taking something from her. Even Victory the dog got a "Hannah No" when she rolled into her. I blame Kelsey, aka the Toy Whore for bringing all her toys for her girls. I mean come on, if you can't share your toys, then don't bring them right?????

On a brighter note, Hannah was the only one who skied. She was so brave. She got out of the boat so fast to get on the skiis, I think it was still in gear. She got up and was waving to all the people around.

Hope you enjoy the pictures!!


late4game said...

A great time was had by all and the kids were really good. They all loved the boat and were so much fun watching in the water. Next year, they'll all be skiing, but for now, Hannah takes the prize!

caxline said...

It's like pouring salt on my wounds...not only is she skiing, but she is one handed. Hannah....the girl who trips on a crack in the sidewalk but can ski around the lake.

Bill and Paige said...

I didn't know Bass Lake was such a special occasion. Hannah and Kate are matching!!