Friday, February 29, 2008


The Ross girls are making a change. I took about 2 hours today, emptied my car (most of it). Paige did the inspection and there are still some areas that need to be worked on, but for the most part pretty good. I armoralled (sp.), cleaned the leather, emptied all the shoes, socks, outfits, granola bars, cheerios, books, receipts, ponytails, bows, straws, and a few other things. The only problem now, is if I get stuck in my car during a natural disaster, I will truly not be prepared. Had the disaster happened yesterday, I could have realistically lived with my 2 children for a week or so. We could have also had a new outfit for most of that week:)

Anyways, Bessie, as I am now going to call her is going to get some respect. There will be no more eating or drinking (except for my fountain diet cokes) in Bessie. I drive about 25 miles a week if that, so my children do not need to eat in there.

So for those of you who know my car, please show Bessie some respect and keep reminding me of my new found change!!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

My new diet

I have a new diet. It's been working really well. My bottom teeth are slightly moving so I went to the ortho and got my retainer to fit. It's moving the tooth back to where it should be and it hurts like HELL!!! Because of the pain, I am unable to eat much!! So far so good!!!

A few cute Hannahisms tonight...

As we are reading a Dora book before bedtime, Dora lost her shoe, but they use the word sneaker. I read it with sneaker and she asked "What's a sneaker mom?" I told her it's a shoe and she said "Then just use the word shoe mom!"

Also, as I was putting her to bed she asked for her books on the table. "Give me all of them but the Jesus one." (she has a prayer book) Obviously John is pushing the prayer thing on her and she clearly doesn't like it:) J/K God

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Julie flew in from Ohio for the weekend. We took the girls to Disneyland today. Kate absolutely did not enjoy Disneyland. I think she hated the rides and characters so much that she chose to sit in the stroller the entire day. It was fantastic. Here are a few pictures of the kids.

Kate and the music

Our neighbor across the street gave Johnny (who will take anything that anyone is offering, t.v.'s, ceiling fans, Coors Light lighted bar signs, baseball jerseys, catching gear, solid oak table and chairs, clothes, lionel engine train, and a few other things that I can't even think of) his old receiver. John hooked it up and Kate figured out to turn it on. She loves to and will sit down and dances to the music. It is about the cutest thing in the world:)

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I had dinner with my mom tonight because she watched my girls for the last 2 days, I thought the least I could do would be to buy her Chipolte. I take Hannah, we get our food, I fill our sodas, and I stuff about 20 straws secretly and as quick as I can into my bag. I don't make any eye contact as I don't want to know who just saw me. Then I hear "MOM, WHY DID YOU TAKE SO MANY STRAWS?" Let's go Hannah come on stay with me. "I SAID MOM, WHY DID YOU TAKE SO MANY STRAWS?" for those of you who know my little one, she is not softspoken!!!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Neighbor #1

Hannah's new goggles for swim lessons

Neighbor #2

Neighbor #3

The most precious shot of all. On our walk around the block, Kate reached up to Hannah and grabbed her hand:)

What a day

Our Precious girl Kate

To quote Hannah "Mom I slept so good, look how curly my hair is this morning!" I swear, she thinks this rat's nest is a curl:)

Kate LOVES LOVES LOVES to be outside. That is the only time other than when she is sleeping that she is not whining!
We had a wonderful day. The weather was fantasic. The girls needed sunscreen. It's been pretty cold lately so it was a nice change. We'll look forward to the rain we are suppose to get next weekend.

We went on an HOUR, yes repeat HOUR walk around the block. The kids went up to almost every house. Some they even peered into the window as you can see by the pictures.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hannah scraped her knee and well, she is her mother's daughter. She wouldn't put any pressure on it the whole night!

My friend Kerry's little girl putting on mascara while we were talking:)

Kate gets into her dirty clothes hamper in her crib. Why I don't move it, I don't know! Here she is with all the clothes in there!

Why I haven't posted

Kate in the bathtub after she had just gotten out
Kate in my shoes
Need I say more??????????????????????????????????/

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Some Pictures

All Kate knows to do with a doll is to wipe her nose!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

pk robers

Check out She has some pictures of the girls. She was watching them a few days ago and got the cutest pictures. Thanks Auntie Paige!!!