Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hannah scraped her knee and well, she is her mother's daughter. She wouldn't put any pressure on it the whole night!

My friend Kerry's little girl putting on mascara while we were talking:)

Kate gets into her dirty clothes hamper in her crib. Why I don't move it, I don't know! Here she is with all the clothes in there!


shopfriend said...

What's even worse than taking your kids out at 8:30pm to pick up your latest Gymboree purchase, looking at ALL of the cute things that your friend bought, and ignoring the 1 year old? That when you discover her eating the mascara that you didn't know she could open, is that your first thought was not "Is she okay?" But rather "Oh my gosh! Did she get that on her car seat?!" I should confess that I obsessed over finding the perfect girly car seat for my only daughter, and I LOVE It! My next thought was that I might need to call poison control to find out if ingesting mascara is bad. Should I call Court? : )Thanks for shopping for me!

Unfairythoughts said...

First of all, my kid ate the silica gel packs that you find in packaging (you know, the ones that say "DO NOT EAT")and she lived. I think Anna will survive mascara. Second, I think you two stay at home moms need to stop returning things at gymboree at night and put your precious darlings to bed. Ha know I love you both...even if you are both CRAZY.

kkp1220 said...

where is her crib tent??

caxline said...

if you would do laundry once in awhile, Suri wouldn't have dirty clothes so nearby.