Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I had the best intentions today. Get up and get to the beach early before the crowd got there. We decided to go to Huntington instead of the baby beach so the kids could body surf and play in the waves. Got there, got my free parking, and bamm! came the wind. It was so gusty. The sand was flying everywhere. Gave a new meaning to a 'sand'wich at the beach! We tried hard, but could only stay for about an hour. The kids had fun anyways. They didn't hardly go into the water because about 2 feet into it, there was a big step down and the waves were crashing pretty hard. Luckily we sat next to a huge hole in the sand. They were playing in there and making it a pool! As much as I love this cool, rainy, sweat wearing weather, I am really excited for summer to start.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

We had a wonderful easter sunday. we were suppose to be in san diego, but long story short, the axlines ended up down here. my mom is in chicago helping kelsey move, so it was just us, my dad and candace and matt. candace and the kids came down yesterday and we spent the entrie day cleaning my house...literally all day! i feel like i do what she does, it just never comes out clean. well, it was clean yesterday:) we then had dinner and dyed eggs. got the kids to bed somewhat early for our 7:45 mass. the kids were all HORRIBLE. so horrible none of them got their easter baskets. they were talking, laughing, laying on the pews, fighting. i wanted to physically hurt my two. had we been alone, i would have pulled the plug on the egg hunt. that's how bad they were. our baskets are still sitting here ready to be opened. they keep staring at them. anyways...we ended the day at my parents swimming all day and then after a little miscommunication and NO food, we ate prime rib, mash potatoes, and matty's bacon wrapped asparagus. we ate early so candace could get home and after dinner my dad says "you know, i could go to be early enough today to be up by 1am" so true. we all got a good laugh out of that.
The Axlines and Ross' in age order
megsie in her coop
taking a picture with 3 kids is virtuously impossible. the big girls were fine, but meghan oh!
hannah's 3rd hunt. she is a super star egg hunter
kate and her loot
we did an on your mark, get set, go....meghan was left in the dust not knowing what was going on!
right before the go!
breakfast on easter morning

My poor bennett. these are the socks his mother put him in for church. i got mad at her and she proceeds to tell me that he had pants on. i got the lecture on what makes one happy, family, love, god...I don't care i told her. don't put your kids in mom's socks!

the graffiti picture happened sometime yesterday when candace and i were clean sweeping my house. the best thing about it was she couldn't blame anyone else. what is going through a kids mind when they do this? don't they realize it's not going away and they will get caught?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Egg Hunt

We had our annual Easter Egg Hunt at or city park today. It was so nice. As the girls get older, they have more and more fun. They got a lot of much!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Bragging a little.....

I have to brag a little. This little girl is the BEST little thing that there ever was. She is now pretty much sleeping through the night which was her only flaw. She still has about 2 rough nights a week, but I will take it. She goes with the flow everyday. Her nap schedule is crazy. I try to put her down, but it is at different times everyday because of her older sister's schedules. She loves to be outside. The minute the door opens, she darts for it. It is the funniest thing. Each day I wait, wait for the this to be the day she turns on me, but she doesn't. Whether it is home, in her car seat, in the stroller, at a softball game, or at gymnastics, she is perfect!