Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's going goo so far...

Most of my give away has been trash. Paperwork that has been just sitting there. I am not going to Del Taco to get my free burrito no matter how many coupons I keep! Here is te biggest five always. The rest has been mostly clothes. I'm wavering between getting rid of Kate's quilt. I have a nicer one to replace it with from my sister, but this one is still fine. I should get rid if it. But the cheap part of me is saying no:). It is potterybarn:)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Cleaning up!

Here's my little narrative. I have too much. It's me. It's not the girls, it's a little, ok a lot john. But I can only fix me:). So for the next 30 days I'm getting rid of 3-5 things (big or small) (trash or goodwill) and not buying anything that is not consumable! So here I go. I'll post my give aways later on tonight.