Monday, January 21, 2008

My tivo is EXPLODING

Okay, here is my life. I have relegated myself to my bedroom right now because my TIVO is working on overload. It is recording October Road and Dr. Drew Celebrity detox and I am not prepared to watch either one because I am behind on them. Due to the fact I am tivoing (that should be added to the dictionary as a word) 2 things, I have to watch one of them, but I can't. I have turned the lights off and gone into my room. Just tonight I have tivoed Scott Baio, Celebrity detox, October Road, and Peter Brady is having a baby. All within 2 hours.

On the kid front...Kate has decided that...
A. She can crawl out of both a crib and a pack and play
B. The only doll she likes is Hannah's 50.00 doll,
C. She wants to feed herself with a fork and spoon and will not eat from you.
D. She doesn't like Gucci because she threw my bag in the trash (thank God I checked)

Hannah has decided...
A. that she only wants to wear things with Dora on them
B. She only wants to sit in front of the t.v. and watch Dora and Diego (NO, I don't let her, but she spends all day asking if she can watch the
C. She wants all her dolls dressed in Dora clothes
D. She too only likes her 50.00 doll and does not want Kate to play with it.
Lot's of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big Cheeseheads

We had a nice day watching the Packers (Uncle Bill and Auntie Paige's favorite team) They turned the girl into cheese heads!!

Kate had a joyous time trying to walk Promise the new Kollen puppy!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Poppy and the kids

My dad so generously offered to keep Hannah and Bennett, while Candace, Paige, my mom, Mallory, Kate, and I went to the mall. They are fairly easy and he was taking them to Mc Donalds for lunch, so that would eat away at some time.

We are gone about 2 hours and surprisingly the two most whiniest kids in the family...Mallory and Kate are good. They are getting tired, so I take them home to put them down for a nap while the shoppers continue.

I get home to find Poppy asleep in his bed and I hear Hannah "Oh no Ben, my mommy is home"

"What are you guys doing" I ask as I am walking upstairs.
"We are cutting with sharp things. Pictures from Marmie's office" Hannah yells at me.

"I must have fallen asleep" Poppy says.

You think??????

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I'm back in the saddle again

I have had a total loss today of $12.00 with the loss of a rebate check, but in cleaning out my car I found the $20.00 gift card I thought I lost and I found the $12.00 gift card for a find of $32.00. That leaves me with a net gain of $20.00!!!

Peace Out!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

For those who know my dad Rich...

Ring Ring

Courtney: hello?
Rich: did Britney Spears just get carted off in a stretcher?
Courtney: about a week ago
Rich: Then she went to Mexico with Tony Romo?
Courtney: Ah, no that was Jessica Simpson


The End

Major Dilemna...

As I am getting ready to by the girls their bathingsuits for the upcoming summer, I encounter what I have been dreading. They don't have matching suits and coverups for Kate and Hannah. Hannah has jumped up to the 4t section which is kids and Kate is still in the baby section. What's a mom to do!!!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Suri Cruise Ross

My sisters call Kate Suri because she is still using a bottle (actually she didn't use the bottle until well after a year because if she's not on my boob, she won't drink milk and that is the only way I have found that she will drink it).

Anyways, today I realized that the pediasure drinks (a.k.a. as medicated smoothies) that Paige has given me, will hold the nipple from the ready made formula that Kate drinks (yes she got formula after a year also because they are ready to go just add nipple and she LOVES them). So now Suri, otherwise known as Kate, has absolutely no motivation to get off the bottle!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The City of Dora

My daughter, is OBSESSED with Dora. Thanks to Mallory first, Lauren and Kaelyn second, and Uncle J.J. and Auntie Kelsey 3rd, Hannah has developed an unnerving obsession with Dora. She is speaking Spanish and tells me that that's all she can speak. Apparantly her ears are too little to understand English. She has a 5th cousin name Diego, and a life size Dora doll that she sleeps with that is clothed in her wedding dress from Auntie Julie's wedding. Anyways. Today at dinner her conversation with John went like this

H: So daddy, what did you do today? Where were you all day.
J: I was with some customers in Azusa and the city of Glendora (a city by us that John has clients in)
H: THE CITY OF DORA? Is that where she is from?

Too cute.

The girls are at Marmie and Poppy's tonight. I have to work tomorrow and it's easier for me to not have to get them up early and drop them off. Poppy has convinced Benny that he doesn't know where Ben hid the licorice and only Bennett knows and Hannah has convinced Poppy that she won't tell Benny that they all know where the hard, stale licorice is. Well, Poppy wasn't there tonight, and luckily Hannah fell asleep on the way there!!!

A peaceful night sleep is so welcome. Let's just hope that Precious Gift from God doesn't wake up too early!!!:) Thanks Mom

Monday, January 7, 2008


I am losing my mind. My house is a clutter mess, my car, well I could live out of there for about 2 weeks with enough clothes for myself and both kids along with meals. If we have to stay longer, I could always nurse Kate since she is now nursing about as much as a newborn would.

In the last week I have lost my credit card, a 20.00 gift card, and a blank check from my grandma which has now cost me 28 dollars to stop payment.

Today, I have Paige come over so I can go to the grocery store to buy stuff to make cheesecake. I'm on my way to Vons, and because I am like my darling mother, I don't make it to Von's, I somehow end up at Costco. I turn my car around, and get to Vons. I shop quick check out and yep, you guessed it no wallet. I have torn my purse apart looking for the blank check, so my wallet is at home.

Luckily because I am such a trainwreck, I know I have to have some credit card in my car, so I run out there, and thankfully my gas visa card is in the door.

Then when I get home, Paige has to give me a receipt for the Juicy Store because I am meeting Candace there tomorrow, but she won't give it to me. She insists that I get my wallet and she has to put it in there.

I need some serious help!!

Tonight is the big game. Hopefully when we eat my yummy cheesecake at 1/2 time, the BUCKEYES will be winning!!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

My first Computer...Leapstart Click

Hannah got a computer from Santa. She loves typing letters and seeing them. Here's our 1st experience with the LeapFrog computer today.

S: /s/ sun
M: /m/ monkey
? question Mark
. period

Hannah: ^^eyes wide open^^ "Hey mom, that's what you have"

H /h/ humingbird