Meghan is officially one month. One month ago tonight I was relaxing in the hospital staring at this beautiful gift we had just received. She continues to be a fantastic baby...not so good tonight though while I was trying to make some Gymboree returns! It doesn't seem like she has grown that much , but I think I am in denial. I am stuffing her into Newborn size diapers and she continues to leak out of them. If I keep her in Newborn, I don't have to face the reality that I dont' really have newborn anymore. She is starting to become more aware, grabbing onto my chain and my hair. She is more awake and alert the last week and a half or so. She took her 1st trip to Disneyland the other day and her 1st trip to the mall tonight. I can't believe how fast the weeks have flown by. If only the pregnancy would go by as fast. She is a bad baby to end on because she is so good. It makes me think I can do it one more time...don't worry family, we're done:) She is anxiously awaiting the birth of cousing #8 and #9 coming next week. I can't believe how much I love her. It seems like she has been a part of us forever. Once again I continue to thank God for how lucky I am to have this beautiful baby.
Mallory's First Blog
9 years ago
Love the first picture!! She looks so alert :) Enjoy every moment!!
You are right. Meghan is absolutely beautiful. I am thankful God gave you such a good little girl. Thanks for the photos. I miss you all so much.
Love and kisses,
I can't believe she's already a month old! I feel like I was right behind you and I'm still FAT and waiting for her!!
She's so cute! I can't wait till May so I can meet her:)
She looks little like hannah in those pictures.
Let's hope she doesn't follow her lead in the behavior department;-) xoxo
I can attest to the fact that she is a very good baby, but she also has a set of lungs. We listened on the way home from D-land!! Marmie loves you, Megsie!!
A month already? Wow! She sure is cute! : ) Oh come more!!
Court your girls really are BEAUTIFUL! Happy One month Bday little Miss Meghan!
She is getting so big!! And she does look so much like Hannah when Hannah was a baby!
little megs is so cute. you are so lucky she sleeps all the time. hope she stays this good forever - I don't think the gypsies will take 6!
precious pictures!! love the one of the 3 girls hugging ;) they are going to have so much fun growing up together!
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