what can you do in 1 hr? drive to disneyland, wait on main street and take pictures with all the disney characters you say? YES!!! i took kate today and told her we couldn't go on any rides, just stay on main street and take pictures. we waited for the mad hatter, gepetto, and the longest for mickey. we then had about a 20 minute downtown where i kept threatening to leave. then just about when we were ready goofy came out. we ran to him and got in right away. as we were taking the picture pluto walked out...i directed kate to run to him and get in line. well people at disneyland don't know the concept of lines unless there are ropes up, so i had to shove her to the front. we got a picture and walked out. on the way out, we saw minnie mouse. got and autograph and a quick picture and our hour was up! kate was thrilled. she has been begging me to fill her autograph book. i keep putting her off, but finally we did it. i know she will probably not remember, but i will and the look on her face made my day! i felt like a total stage mom. to describe it doesn't give the story justice. i had my big stroller and i was boxing people out, running around, and sending my 4 year old to wait in line and i told her i will follow her. it was funny and as i tell it now, i have a little chuckle:) i love that we have passes and can go to disneyland anytime we want, literally for 1 hour!