Sunday, December 19, 2010

life has been so crazy around here. hannah finished up a stellar soccer season peaking in the playoffs which allowed us 3 extra games! YEAH (not!) she loved soccer and really improved. she is still all over the field, but she is so aggressive and everyone keeps telling us how lucky we are:) both girls are in school and megsie and i are always in the car dropping off or picking up someone! paige and kelsey both came in last week to celebrate christmas. we packed in as much fun as possible capping it off with a visit to santa. last week hannah had her school performance. we couldn't really see much, so thankfully hannah was right behind the main characters, we could see her up on the screen...when it was working. here are a few pictures from the night

santa was on a break when we got there, so the kids had fun playing
meghan ended up being a fan, but i only have this first picture
waiting to see santa

every time the girls cousins come in town, we try and have a slumber party. they sleep on the couch bed, have popcorn, and watch a movie. they LOVE it!
megsie and katie at hannah's play
hannah singing
marmie and poppy
auntie paige and hay hay

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


we took our annual trip to disneyland with my high school friends, only this year, it was just one:) my uncle had given us a ticket last year that expired next week so it was perfect timing. it was a great night, the crowds were limited and the kids had a great time. we were there for over 5 ours and went on 3 rides. where did the time go. the kids played, we took christmas pictures, ate, fireworks, cookies, and then we were done. the girls love disneyland and so do i on a normal day, but this time of year, that place is awesome. we are so lucky to be able to go as much as we want whenever we want! looking foward to kelsey getting a pass now that they will be living close:)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

our christmas angel watching over us.
decorating the tree
getting ready
nothing like taking the tree out of the attic and 'shaping' it. i know it's better for john, but oh i do not like a fake tree!
happy thanksgiving

We have had a wonderful Thanksgiving week. I really don't take the time to realize all we have. I am so lucky to have great friends, best friends for sisters, wonderful parents and extended family, a husband (with a job:), healthy kids, a house, etc, etc. We started off the week by picking Hannah up from school last Friday and heading east to Arizona. We had a great time as usual. The kids love being there and though I know we are a train wreck coming through the Putz house, they always put a smile on and treat us great. On Thanksgiving we got up at 5am and were out the door by 5:15. We headed back west to spend Thanksgiving with my parents, my aunt and cousins, and the Axlines. It was a weekend full of eating, sleeping, shopping, eating, swimming, eating, football, and eating. The kids had a great time all weekend. Candace and my cousin Amanda and I did "black" Friday at Target and the mall. Nothing too exciting. We each got a few things! Shopping at that time of the day is crazy!
Tonight we decorated. It seemed like last year the girls liked decorating, but this year they were soooooo excited. They decorated the entire tree. Hannah put up the Angel, which was a little emotional for me because it was my Grandma Polly's. This is the first Christmas she won't be here. We were all so busy at Thanksgiving, but I know there was a little piece missing from all of my family:(

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


taking over uncle jj's man room
ranger ride
bath time
i wonder why they had trouble sleeping

We have spent the week in Arizona. We drive back tomorrow to spend Thanksgiving with my mom and dad and the Axlines. Black Friday on Friday and the Ohio State/Michigan game on Saturday. The girls have had so much fun with all their cousins. They absolutely love being at Lo and K's house. There is something for them to do in every room! Each night they had a movie in JJ's man room! I am sad to leave tomorrow, but looking forward to spending some fun time during the Christmas holidays with everyone again!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Might be a crazy life...

but (as Kate Gosslin says), it's our life. The weather has been wonderful...nice and cool and rainy. My kids love rainy days. I was trying to hold off and have grammie get them rainboots for Christmas, but the weather wouldn't permit it and we were at Costco and of course, they had rainboots front and center.

hannah cleaning out the goodwill bag!
meghan cleaning out my pantry
rainy days

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pumpkin patch

Cal Poly Pomona has the BEST, I repeat BEST pumpkin patch ever and it is very cheap which adds to the capital BEST:) 5 huge pumpkins for 20.00. Kettle Korn, bounce house, horse rides, food, booths, you name it. Our 1st year going we had no idea what to expect. It was 105 degrees, Kate was about a month old and Hannah was a roaming toddler. We brought plastic grocery bags. Seth and John were carrying them, their hand were losing blood flow, I was sweating with Kate bjorned to my chest, it was miserable. Each year we get better and better. We loaded up the wagon, snacks, strollers and us. My mom went with us. The weather was perfect. A little misty at first, but dried up real quick. The kids had a great time and I just followed them with my fountain diet coke and kettle korn! We ended up with 5 perfect pumpkins and some corn for dinner tonight. I do not enjoy Halloween, but seeing the girls so excited to pick their pumpkins puts a smile on my face!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Kate

4 year pictures
Happy 4th birthday Katie girl
3rd birthday
2nd birthday
1st birthday
week 1
on our way to surgery
before surgery
after surgery
ready to go to school

Today our sweet baby Kate turns 4. Wow!!! Honestly where does the time go. I know everyone says that, but seriously. The days are going so fast. I feel that I am always just getting up with the girls and then before I know it, it's time to put them to bed. Kate continues to be well...a challenge. She is still a bit of a whiner! When things don't go her way...WATCH OUT! but if she is happy, it's the best. She'll kiss you, love you, lay with you, you name it. Kate is by far the most independent one of the girls. She is up, dressed (in matching clothes) and ready for breakfast by about 6:15am. She loves her mommy. She does not like going to other people's houses unless they have someone her age to play with. She loves school, loves her friends, loves her sisters, and loves her lunch pail. This past week she had her tubes removed...partially because she needed to and partially because I have a crush on her ENT and wanted to see him one last time:) Not seriously, she needed them done soon and we are switching insurance so I may have pushed it a little. Anyways...she got home from the hospital and wanted to take her NEW lunchpail to school. It was her first day of preschool. She continues to add joy (and pain) to our lives. Her nickname with the twins has evolved from Baby Kate to Katie girl. She is not a little baby anymore and as hard as I try, she is truly turning into a little girl:( We love you Kate girl!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hannah started soccer. She is doing really well. Much better than last year, let's just hope she can stay on her feet!
Hannah's first day of school
Right before walking into her classroom
Sitting at her desk
mommy and daddy
our 'hike' at Laguna Lake
the girls at the lake