Sunday, December 19, 2010

life has been so crazy around here. hannah finished up a stellar soccer season peaking in the playoffs which allowed us 3 extra games! YEAH (not!) she loved soccer and really improved. she is still all over the field, but she is so aggressive and everyone keeps telling us how lucky we are:) both girls are in school and megsie and i are always in the car dropping off or picking up someone! paige and kelsey both came in last week to celebrate christmas. we packed in as much fun as possible capping it off with a visit to santa. last week hannah had her school performance. we couldn't really see much, so thankfully hannah was right behind the main characters, we could see her up on the screen...when it was working. here are a few pictures from the night

santa was on a break when we got there, so the kids had fun playing
meghan ended up being a fan, but i only have this first picture
waiting to see santa

every time the girls cousins come in town, we try and have a slumber party. they sleep on the couch bed, have popcorn, and watch a movie. they LOVE it!
megsie and katie at hannah's play
hannah singing
marmie and poppy
auntie paige and hay hay


grammieross said...

Wow, everyone looks so nice in all the photos. I'm glad the visit was so much fun for all of you.. Love, Grammie

Bill and Paige said...

such a good time!

late4game said...


kkp1220 said...

Her dress is so pretty;-0 Sorry we missed it:-(

skinnyfat said...

your christmas pics are so cute! i am so jealous that you have so many sisters, and that the girls have so many cousins. it must be fun!! merry xmas!