Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy 6th Bday Katie Girl

 September 19, 2006
 October 2006
 september 2007
 september 2008
 september 2009
 september 2010
 september 2011
 september 2012
 first day of preschool
 first day of kindergarten as a 4 year old
first day of kindergarten as a 5 year old
yes it's been forever (kerry rigsby).  With Facebook, I just can't get to this, but for my special Katie Girl, anything is possible.  every time hannah gets a year older or finishes something, i tell myself it's okay, because Kate still gets to do it.  kate is quickly approaching all those first milestones and finishing them all too quickly!  Today she is 6.  6!!!  how is that possible.  she is the most sweetest, motherly, beautiful, smart, precious little girl we could ask for.  she started kindergarten (again) and is doing so well.  she loves school, loves her friends, loves her backpack...lunchpail...uniform...matching bows, loves soccer, loves water bottles, loves her family, loves her room, loves her cousins, loves disneyland, loves everything.  she still has her whining fits, but i'll take her anyways!


late4game said...

Kate is the best. She's always happy and full of information. A little whining never hurt anybody, and she'll outgrow it. Love you, Katie girl.

grammieross said...

It is hard to believe Kate is six already.She is beautiful, caring, sensitive, so smart, and a great soccer player. It was so good to spend her birthday with her. Love you, Katie girl forever and ever.

grammieross said...

It is hard to believe Kate is six already.She is beautiful, caring, sensitive, so smart, and a great soccer player. It was so good to spend her birthday with her. Love you, Katie girl forever and ever.