where have you been? you might be asking that! We have been super busy, yet super not busy at the same time! No idea how that is possible, but that what it feels like.
the house is moving along sssslllloooowwwwlllyyyy. john is working his but off. the work he is doing isn't major, so it looks like not much has been done, yet what he is doing has to be done and has to be done first. we are currently living in the one side of the house. the girls room, our room, the hallway, and the bathroom are about 90% finished. just missing moulding! windows need to be replace but we are waiting on that. we accidentally cut down the money tree when we cleaned out the backyard, so we are waiting for it to grow back:)
the girls finished soccer season. they both had good teams, with good coaches, and good parents, so we really enjoyed it. hannah is hopefully becoming quite the soccer star. kate did really well too...she loved snacks and pizza parties, and scoring goals. meghan brings up the rear with a sassy attitude and a mind of her own. she loves going where we go though i try to pawn her off on anyone who is home:)
we celebrated thanksgiving with my whole family in arizona. it was so nice to hang out. kelsey hosted us all...including jj's mom and dad and niece. we got there on a tuesday and didn't see the big girls all week until we left on sunday. they had so much fun swimming, rollerblading, trampolining, etc. they finished the day off with a slumber party each night!
christmas season has rolled around. we spend a week with kelsey and the girls doing the usual...disneyland, fashion island, the mall, fast food, and a lof of trips to walmart. candace and paige are/were here and the kids had fun hanging out with all the cousins! we are anxiously awaiting christmas morning. john wants to spend our 1st christmas here, while i want to get the heck out, but he wins. we will open presents here and then head off to my parents. 2 days late, john will take the girls to ohio to visit his family. i am looking forward to 9 days to myself. as it closer i am getting a little nervous that they have to fly and are so far away. once they land, i know i will be fine. i have nothing scheduled because i know i can do something at the drop of a hat. it's been 7 + years since i've had this freedom!

our 2nd annual visit to see the lights in naples

we transitioned megsie into a bed:( she does well at night, not so much during naps, so she remains in my closet in a pack and play

a trip to a local church for a christmas celebration and smores

a little out of order...naples

hannah's christmas play

decorating the tree

one of about 10 trips to disneyland during december


late night slumber parties

trying to deep fry the turkey...about an hour before dinner was to begin

watching the osu michigan game

best friends
