The girls before going to the Angel's game. Where you ask did they get their cute skirts? Not from SMOOCH (those of you who watch Keeping up with the
Kardashian's know that store:)), their mother, yes me, made them. With a little help from Peg-leg of course.

Hannah with her long lost twin
Kaelyn. Hannah has this quirky bond with
KK. They are exactly a like in attitude, they look alike, and
unfortunately for Kelsey, they act alike. You can always find the 2 of them using markers, banging on the keyboard of Poppy's office, getting into the jar of
cetaphill and lathering themselves up, etc... Kelsey and I have to make sure that they include Lauren, who is usually reading a book with them in their antics:)

Lauren and
Kaelyn and Hannah at the baseball game.
We have had such a great week of playing, swimming, shopping, eating, and visiting
Walmart this week with the Putz family. We are sad that it ends tomorrow. Kelsey and the girls are going home Sunday morning, so for those of you who have tried to call me, I will be free again on Sunday, plus John is home, so I have to be here:)
It looks like you guys had a fun week. You are so lucky to have such a big close family.
your skirts turned out soo cute...
Awesome Job making the skirts, they look so cute.
I am impressed with the skirts. My mom said that all the girls were so good at the game last night and had such a good time.
OMGoodness - those skirts are adorable! Can you make boy clothes!?
I so know what SMOOCH is. I'm glad you're a fellow reality t.v. junkie!
Mom hardly helped at all on the skirts--just some encouragement! You did a great job and the girls looked darling!!!
So much fun. Thanks for a great week, it went too fast.
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