Saturday, June 27, 2009

Disneyworld 2009

The girls and I at Hollywood Studios
The girls couldn't wait to go swimming at night

Even better than swimming at night is swimming with Daddy at night

The castle
Hannah with all her leis
Kate receiving the present daddy and grandpa got for being the star of a show
The girls in their Minnie dresses

At breakfast with the characters

On the plane on our way
Meghan Grace on her first flight
Right before another big dinner:)

Kate's idol..nitney nouse
Breakfast with the princess in the castle
Hannah and Kate on the Magical Express bus that picks you up from the airport and takes you to your hotel

We spent the best and worst days of our lives this past week at Disneyworld in Florida. We left on the midnight flight last Wednesday. The flight couldn't have gone much better. Minus Kate staying awak for the first 2 hours of the late flight, the kids were perfect. We met John's family there and were off on our 1st family vacation. The weather had another plan for us. The first day we were there I swear we were in a hurricane. The rain, wind, and thunder were louder and stronger than anything I have ever seen. It was kind of scary for a few minutes. The Disney worker told us we needed to stay away from walls so we wouldn't get electracuted...NICE!
It was so hot! We needed 2 clothes changes a day. Meghan couldn't be out in the sun and it was too hot for her covered in her stroller, so we spent the majority of the day snuggling in the hotel room. All in all, the kids had a great time. They did everything they could possibly do and saw everything they could possibly see. Hannah was the roller coaster superstar. Anything she was tall enough for she went on. She took me on the Tower of Terror and I thought I was going to have a heart attack, while her hands were up in the air enjoying the drop!


MFR said...

Glad you got home ok. Hannah will have to come to Cedar Point during the next trip to Cleveland. Miss you guys already.


late4game said...

Well, I'm sorry I missed it!!!

Bill and Paige said...

Looks like you had a fun trip! Love those dresses:)

kkp1220 said...

Looks like fun.
Hannah looks so grown up in some of those pictures.
Where did you get all the matching outfits??

Garb Fam said...

Can I be the 4th Ross child???? How absolutely FUN! The girls are adorable in their matching frocks!!!

grammieross said...

Our Disney trip 2009 was certainly a memorable one. Despite the heat, it was fun. I am thankful I could be with all my girls at one time together. Thanks for the wonderful memories.
Love, Grammie Ross

Julie said...

We miss you guys already!! We had a great time with all of you and look forward to the next time, wherever and whenever it is!