we took our annual trip to the Cal Poly Pomona Pumpkin Patch. This is the nicest and cheapest pumpkin patch around. The pumpkins are only 5 dollars and all of the rides and booths are a dollar or so. The kids faces lit up when they saw all the pumpkins, I lit up when I saw the large bag of kettle korn. They rode horses, went down a bounce slide, saw a petting zoo, had some snacks and picked some pumpkins. I have to say, Halloween is not my thing, but I do love getting pumpkins with the girls. The day would have been perfect if it wasn't for the weather. Thank God it was 20 degrees, literally, cooler today than yesterday. I'm all for the California weather, but it TOO hot for October!
That milk is the BEST!! I used to rent cars to the owner and she would bring me the chocolate one all teh time!!!
Love the picture of Hannah and Kate!!
Of course hannah lasso'd the cow...what else would you expect coming from 2 world class athlete parents:)
Wow what a beautiful place to find your pumpkins. The wagon must have been really heavy with all those little pumpkins in it. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time. The pictures are really beautiful. Thanks for sending them. Love, Grammie Ross
Looks like you definetly had your pick of pumpkins this year. I too like the pic of Hannah and Kate with the pumpkin. Glad you were able to get your kettle corn too.
It was a great fieldtrip!
That milk must have killed you;-) Did they drink it??
You got some really good pictures of the 2 big kids and the 3 all together;-0
Wish we were there
Really CUTE Court! What a fun pumpkin spot!!!!
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