Monday, October 15, 2007

swimming in a bra

Tonight as I was giving Hannah a bath she demanded that she take a bath in her bra. NO not a real bra, she has a little undertop that matches her princess underwear. She threw a fit because I would not let her wear her 'bra' in the bath. I couldn't figure out where all this was coming. Finally as she took a quick breath in between screams, she said "Ariel wears a bra when she swims." I tried to explain to her that Ariel lives in the water. Hannah decided she wanted to live in the water too..Hmm, I'm thinking of some ideas to make it work. On a brighter note, preschool tomorrow!! I don't know who like it more, Hannah or her mom!!!

1 comment:

Bill and Paige said...

I think that's a sign of her watching TV too much:)