The toy whores have struck again. Kelsey and JJ got the biggest play structure I have ever seen in a house. The kids love it, so I can't complain, but this is big time toy whore in action. The Dora play tent is more for JJ and Kelsey. Now don't get me wrong, the girls do like Dora, but it is majorly prompted by their parents. In any case, all the kids, Kate included, had a great time!!
Mallory's First Blog
9 years ago
Hey, you guys had a play house in the back yard as well as a swing set. Not quite the magnitude of toys these days, but the minute you started softball and soccer, everything else went by the wayside. Those girls are all so cute. John will have heart failure when he sees Hannah in her M uniform. Glad you're having fun. I'm going to work tomorrow. Someone has to earn $$ for the family!!
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