Monday, March 24, 2008

But you slept in that

Mom: Hannah, let's get dressed to go see the twinnies
Hannah: But I am dressed
M: no, you slept in that
H: well you sleep in your clothes that you wear all day

She's right, I just didn't think she noticed. If she notices, then imagine what my neighbors and Hannah's teacher's think of me:)


themonteleones said...

Funny. Isn't that so true that we spend so much time getting the kids ready that we don't have time to do ANYTHING for ourselves??? I look like CRAP every day of my life (but at least the kids look cute)

Unfairythoughts said...

This doesn't surprise me...I recall one time, while getting our classroom ready, you looked down and said, "Oh my God! I'm still wearing my bathing suit from yesterday under my clothes!"

Mommy said...

I know this is a couple blogs back, but I love the picture of the girls with the Easter Bunny. That is an absolute classic. I love it!!
