Monday, March 31, 2008


Kate had surgery this morning. It went well. We got to the hospital at 6:45 with surgery scheduled at 8:45. I was nervous about how she would be for 2 hours in the hospital. She was the hit of the floor with her hospital gown and her little bling-bling red converse. It wasn't too bad, they actually took us down to the OR about 20 minutes early. Right before that, they gave her verced which is a calming drug. Let me tell you, it's a good thing. I am thinking of going to med school just to get a license to write prescriptions. Everyone should have a shot of that stuff every night. She was so relaxed. Her head kept bobbing back, eyes kind of droopy...nice!!!! Hannah needed a dose of it today. I should have married a doctor.

It went well, about an hour. The Dr. came out and told us that we did a good thing. Her adenoids were HUGE. A child her age should have adenoids in about 60% of their nasal cavity. Kate's covered over 100% and were starting to grow into her nose. WOW!!!

He is pretty confident that this will cure the runny nose. Not so confident about the snoring. I can deal with all that, but no the runny has got to go. So hopefully it will work. If not, then we will have to explore other things.

She is a bit cranky, as usual, but other than that she is doing well!


Bill and Paige said...

Glad to hear that everything went well. I could use a dose of that drug after watching Hannah:) JK...she was a perfect angel. She even snuggled with me in the morning:)

Unfairythoughts said...

I'm glad to hear that your precious gift from God is doing well! I think a large diet coke and one of those drugs would be a fine way to end the evening. Hook me up!

themonteleones said...

Glad to hear all went well, please keep us updated...I think she deserves a new Hannah ANderson.

jackson'smama said...

Amen! Keep us updated. : )

Mommy said...

I glad to hear that everything went well.

kkp1220 said...

hopefully i'll stop finding dirty snot rags in my couch;-) Love you kit kat