Hannah had her 1st soccer practice today. We were a little worried because her team didn't have a coach, but a dad finally volunteered. John took her today and he ended up helping so that was neat. He was much more excited about soccer than dance! She loved it and told me "all I did was score a goal" she didn't realize that is the main object of the game!
She is getting so big....Where does time go?
Wow!!! Last night on the phone, she said, "Grammie I kicked the ball right into the net," you could hear the excitement in her voice. I'm so proud of you, Hannah.
Love, Grammie Ross
aww....she is so cute! I am very proud of Johnny stepping up to coach...the issue will be when the soccer games conflict with the buckeyes... what will he do?
You'll have to email us a schedule. Lexi started too!!! She is super jazzed! What John you couldn't help out with dance. I am sure they make cute little tutus for you too ;0)
Too cute;-)
so cute!! Big johnny stepping up to help out!!
Can't wait to watch your games, Hannah. I think I have finally figured out off sides!!!
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