Friday, August 28, 2009

Not so little anymore

Our babies are no longer babies anymore. Bennett started kindergarten last week and Hannah will start next week. It was not so long ago that they were the only kids in our family:)


late4game said...

They weren't the "onlies" for very long, but they are the first, and the first always paves the way. They remain my precious angels, and I love them so much. I know they will be the smartes ones in their respective classes. Marmie

caxline said...

aw... that made me cry. i remember when it was just woo woo and la la... those were the days!

i thought hannah started after labor day? i don't think i am strong enough for her to start next week.

grammieross said...

Simply amazing how fast those five years have come to past. And now kindergarten is here on the doorstep. The best is yet to come. So many new fun adventures each day at school. I know one thing for sure - their teachers are very blessed to have them in their class and they will love school.
Grammie Ross