Meghan's first picture January 20, 2009

looking pretty in her bow getting ready to leave the hospital

3 months

6 months

9 months

Happy birthday baby girl

enjoying her 1st taste of sugar
My sweet precious Meghan Grace,
As the saying goes, where does the time go? I simply cannot believe that 1 year has passed since the day you were born. I can picture it so vividly in my mind it seems like just earlier in the day. I enjoyed every second of meeting you and introducing you to your loud, crazy family. I have cherished every second (even the middle of the night feedings that you are still wanting). Though I complain about it, I sometimes secretly don't mind it because I know how fast this time is going! You have been the PERFECT baby since day 1. I can not even imagine life before you. You are walking and starting to babble, you smile and giggle. When I get you from your crib, I can tell you are looking for Hannah and Kate. They love you and pick you up and move you any chance they get. You are not a little baby anymore:( While that makes me sad, I love seeing you grow up everyday and all the new things you accomplish! Happy Birthday baby girl...you are SO LOVED!!!!