Friday, January 29, 2010

Mousin Around

Ha ha ha...get it:) Mousing...minnie mouse?

Meghan is vigilant towards her sisters. She is starting to copy them as evidenced by her putting the minnie mouse ears on. She actually did this by herself!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Meghan's first picture January 20, 2009
looking pretty in her bow getting ready to leave the hospital
3 months
6 months
9 months
Happy birthday baby girl
enjoying her 1st taste of sugar

My sweet precious Meghan Grace,
As the saying goes, where does the time go? I simply cannot believe that 1 year has passed since the day you were born. I can picture it so vividly in my mind it seems like just earlier in the day. I enjoyed every second of meeting you and introducing you to your loud, crazy family. I have cherished every second (even the middle of the night feedings that you are still wanting). Though I complain about it, I sometimes secretly don't mind it because I know how fast this time is going! You have been the PERFECT baby since day 1. I can not even imagine life before you. You are walking and starting to babble, you smile and giggle. When I get you from your crib, I can tell you are looking for Hannah and Kate. They love you and pick you up and move you any chance they get. You are not a little baby anymore:( While that makes me sad, I love seeing you grow up everyday and all the new things you accomplish! Happy Birthday baby are SO LOVED!!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

We lost it...

Hannah has lost her first tooth. My baby is turning 1, my other baby is losing her first tooth, I can't take all the change. I miss the days when I could take the girls to a mommy and me class and be done for the day:( She is very excited. Unfortuneately she is in trouble for scratching Kate, so hopefully the tooth fairy can find her and her tooth in our bedroom tonight. Of all nights. It's hard not to get excited that she lost it, but I couldn't lead on to how excited I was!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My last 1st :(

Meghan was so tired, I had her open 1 gift before we put her to bed!
We also celebrated Braylen's 1st birthday from December. His mother was too busy to do anything for it:) He was not to happy as you can see!
Meghan liked her first taste of cake
Megsie's birthday cake
The Ross girls before the party
Our family
Happy Birthday Meghan Grace

We celebrated our last 1st birthday today:( Meghan will be 1 on Wednesday. We had a wonderful 1st birthday for her. It's funny I vividly remember Hannah's 1st birthday thinking how old she was. Now looking at Meghan I realize they really are still so little. It was a bitter sweet day because I know I won't have a little baby anymore. I always say this is my last party, but we really do have so much fun seeing our friends and having the kids hang out! John made a great lunch and the food was delicious! Thank you to everyone who helped celebrate Meghan's special day!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


The girls are having a true winter here in Cleveland and they love it. I on the other hand...not so much. A human can only play so many games of bejeweled. Hannah and Kate love the snow. Each morning they ask if they can go outside and play in the snow. I am actually surprised at how much they can take out there. They bundle up and are able to stay out for about 30 minutes. I don't know how they do it cuz let me tell you it is cold. While I haven't ventured far from the couch, I have been able to add most of my phone contacts into my new phone and have been able to get my pictures organized on my new computer for the most part. We leave on Tuesday and while normally I dread returning home because I am on my own again, this time Grandma Ross will be following us the next day! So I have another 3 weeks off! Glen Ivy, Panera, Corner Bakery, and Brea I come! Tonight we had dinner with all John's family and while dinner was yummy, the best part was all the free applications for my itouch that I discovered. I'm off to my bed to go pop bubble wrap and try to beat my score!