Thursday, June 26, 2008

Dinner Conversation

This is a realy conversation that took place last night at our dinner table. I am sure it is not going to sound as it did last night, but I just had to share it with everyone. Especially all my teacher friends.

H: Hannah
C: Courtney
J: John

C: Hannah, tell daddy what you told me about words being the same today
H: High and Pie are the same daddy
J: The same?
C: she means they sound the same, they rhyme
J: How do you figure?
J: How do you figure? High / pie
C: WHAT???? high /i/ and pie /i/
J: h-i-g-h and p-i-e (soelling out)
C: it doesn't matter how it's spelled, they rhyme, sound the same
J: oh yeah, right right, rhyme

Hello, am I talking with my dad? Does he really not know what rhyming words are? He can find a disease in grass with a quick look, but can't rhyme words?!:?!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Congratulations Amanda

Kaelyn - Hannah - Lauren loving the pool
Johnny helping Kate soak everyone

My cousin Amada graduated from UC Davis and her mom and dad had a party today. It was super fun. They held it in the desert:)

Not really, it was in La Canada, but it might has well have been in the middle of the Mojave Desert. Luckily they have a fabulous pool. The kids had a great time. I am in a race to post pictures before Kelsey and I think I might have won on this one:)

When the weather gets hot, the Ross' go swimming

Do we know how to do it or what? It is so hot here I can't even stand it!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Beach or front yard

I need help. Which picture should I pick. Since I bought my fancy dancy camera, I am not going to pay for pictures anymore. Candace took the beach ones, but Hannah wasn't too great of a smiler that day. I took some today in front of the plants. I really

would prefer the beach, but I just don't really like her pictures. What do you think? Please help:)

Monday, June 16, 2008

My AT RISK daughter

Today Hannah was watching Noggin, a cable kid's station. They were having a commercial for how important reading is and that low income, high risk kids don't have a lot of books yada yada. They used the term at risk preschooler. Hannah then proceeded to tell me she was an at risk preschooler and needed a new Dora book!! I am not lying:)

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Best Day

We had the best day today. We got up early and headed for bagels and then off to the Beach. We stopped and picked up my mom, Candace, Bennett, and Mallory, and then made a quick stop to get our family friend's little girl Jillian. We headed over to the beach and arrived promptly at 9am. Amazingly that is the time we wanted to get there. Candace and I aren't the problem, but getting my mom out of the house on time is the ticket. That never happens:) We had lunches pack and were to 1st only ones there for about 20 minutes. A few kids and moms came soon and then all of a sudden 2 buses filled with older kids dropped off about 5 classes. Not too much fun. We quickly ushered them to the other side since their teachers didn't care where they went. They didnt' bother us too bad.
The kids had the best time. They were in the water or making sand castles for 3 hours:) What a great day!
P.S. If the pictures look professional, it must be my new camera. I got a camera with a lense and shutter speed and all kinds of stuff I don't know about, but it's quick to photograph and I am taking a class, so I will learn:)