Monday, June 16, 2008

My AT RISK daughter

Today Hannah was watching Noggin, a cable kid's station. They were having a commercial for how important reading is and that low income, high risk kids don't have a lot of books yada yada. They used the term at risk preschooler. Hannah then proceeded to tell me she was an at risk preschooler and needed a new Dora book!! I am not lying:)


Bill and Paige said...

That is too funny! She is something else...except for yesterday when I was watching them and she couldn't get the tennis racket out of the thought she was FREAKING OUT! And we can't forget when she couldn't swing the racket and hit the ball. In her I have no coping skills Hannah voice said, "I told my mom that I can't play tennis. Why on earth did she get me a tennis racket? Why does she not listen to me?" I swear!

late4game said...

She's too smart for her own good!! I predict GATE!!