I need help. Which picture should I pick. Since I bought my fancy dancy camera, I am not going to pay for pictures anymore. Candace took the beach ones, but Hannah wasn't too great of a smiler that day. I took some today in front of the plants. I really
would prefer the beach, but I just don't really like her pictures. What do you think? Please help:)
I like the beach one. She has too much of a shadow on her face in the front yard pics
I like the front yard one, better smile!!!
Beach, but I think there were even better ones.
front yard
Of course I read your blog... hope you don't mind. I like the beach better. Although, she is smiling in the front yard, I think the beach one is unique- she has a cute expression.
I, too, am a stalker:)I like her expression at the beach. I have lots of these kind of "expression" pictures of my kids and I say to myself - thats their "look".
I'm with Ang and Jeana... I'm sure we all lurk around each other's blogs (o:
I like the beach one!!
Tough one, they are both really good. Debby is relly good about taking the heads off one picture and putting it on another body in another picture. She did that with some of my pictures of the boys, because you know how hard it is to get multiple kids looking and smiling at the camera. Back to the pictures, I would go with the beach.
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