Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Birthday Snub

Kate is all smiles:)

Hannah is driving by me at a million miles an hour

Wait, 2 pictures that Kit Kat is smiling???

Hannah was not invited to a party for the 1st time. A little girl at school apparantly gave out select invitations. I am not so much upset for her, but more for me. HELLO? I am a good time and so is my kid dammit! Maybe it's due to the fact that I never take her to school and when and if John can pick her up, he does. I need to make myself more known in the preschool classroom. Who has time for this crap...

On the bright side, the kids had a great time tonight riding bikes outside in the front yard. My goal is to get Kit Kat potty trained and Hannah on a 2-wheeler. Wish me luck

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stimulating the Economy

Candace refuses to bring a stroller anywhere. Notice Hannah in the background not paying attention.

Surprisingly Meghan was asleep from 8:00am until lunchtime. All our shopping was done prior to this picture. We weren't sure if she could breathe with all the stuff on the stroller!

Kate being Kate at lunch. We got the girls McDonalds. Candace got it while I got our 10 point burrito. My last words to her were "Get french fries, not apples"...she listened:)

Giving back to the economy

More giving back, these are more bags than from above.

Today was all about giving back. Candace and I meet at my gma's house to pay a little drive by. Kelsey and I have nick named our visits to both grandmas as drive by's because they don't really know how long we are there for and we don't even think they know it's us visiting. So we drive there, sit for about a minute and then say "Okay gma well we gotta go!" (not really that quick, but you get the point) So we do our driveby and our Uncle Ronnie is there and he is bored. So he decides he is going to go work out. Candace convinces him after his workout to meet us at the mall so we can use his Disney discount at the Disney store.

Here is where the fun begins. We head off to the mall 6 kids in tow and 1 stroller. We start at Gymboree where Candace has price adjustment gone bad. We sit the kids in front of the movies. I have Kate, Candace has Braylen, and the big girls are watching t.v. We are spending our money and I see Kate roaming the store with glasses, a purse and God knows what else. I sit her down and put Hannah in charge of her. We finish there and head to Pre Sale at the Disney store. The kids are absolutely everywhere! Grabbing things, whining, ripping off tags, in the front of the store, in the back of the store...once again you get the picture.

We meet up with my uncle he purchases everthing and we head off for lunch. I check my bag and sweet Precious Gift from God has thrown sh$$$ into the bag. No it's not stolen goods, in the midst of all the chaos, I pay for it! So tomorrow guess where I get to go...back to the mall!

Friday, April 17, 2009

At what point is enough enough????

Here is my collection of bows for Hannah and Kate. I am slightly OCD about bows. I buy plain ones to wear with everything, and then I proceed to buy matching ones with each outfit because I think they are so cute. I need to stop. As I was cleaning out their drawers today the longest time was spend organizing bows!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Ross and Axline Family

Easter morning after church

Dying Easter Eggs

Getting ready to color eggs

The Easter Egg hunt for our city.

Visiting the Easter bunny again.

We hope everyone had a Happy Easter. We started off the day early...very early. Sweet Precious Gift from God woke up especially early today. That usually means she is not going to have a very good day. She ended up ok. We headed off to church sending John early to save us seats. My dad, Candace, Matt, Mallory, Ben, and Braylen met us there. The kids did pretty good. A little loud at times. Mallory wasn't too happy that Jesus had died in the first place I overheard her telling Candace.
We headed back to our house where Johnny made a fantastic breakfast. The boys had bloody Marys and we got the kids ready to hunt.
The kids had a great Easter egg hunt. They were so cute running around grabbing eggs.
After we went to Disneyland to spend some $$$. Today was Candace's birthday and since she has an annual pass, she got the days admission price in a gift card. We went on Small World because all the other rides were closed (wink wink). At least that's what we told the big girls. Bennett stayed home with the boys.
We followed that with swimming and dinner at my mom and dad's. My mom is out of town.
It was such a beautiful day. We missed all of our family out of town, but felt blessed to be able to spend the day with Candace and Matt. We hope everyone had a wonderful day with family and friends.

Happy Easter!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Precious Gift from God!

Kate with her jacket on upside down.

Kate put her jacket on. I don't know why her face looks like this???

Kate decided to wear Meghan's clothes.

Any takers? She doesn't eat much so she won't cost you a lot!!

We started off the day just fine. Hannah got off to school, I got the girls dressed and ready to go on a walk. Kate had other plans. She undressed and put on Meghan's clothes. Her drawers are locked, so she couldn't get into her clothes. Once I finally coaxed her into her own clothes, she demanded she put on her jacket. I let her while I got Meghan in the stroller. This is how she walked out of the house!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

We just dropped Grammie Ross off at the airport. She was here for about 2 1/2 weeks to help me out and waatch the girls while I went back to work! The girls had a great time with her...and so did I without them. I went to the mall, to a baby shower, to dinner with friends, to the mall, the mall and well, you get the picture.

Today we went to visit the Easter Bunny. I thought it would be a disaster with my Precious Gift from God, but she warmed up to him real fast.

I couldn't get the picture to turn the right way, so you'll have to tilt your head:)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The girls loving their sister Meghan:)

Our Lovely is 10 weeks old. Here is a version of her 1st smile. She is getting there slowly.

Though Kate is part Mexican, she still can not figure out how to eat a burrito.

We had Julie and Isabella over a month ago. here is a picture of all the Ross girls.