Kate is all smiles:)

Hannah is driving by me at a million miles an hour

Wait, 2 pictures that Kit Kat is smiling???
Hannah was not invited to a party for the 1st time. A little girl at school apparantly gave out select invitations. I am not so much upset for her, but more for me. HELLO? I am a good time and so is my kid dammit! Maybe it's due to the fact that I never take her to school and when and if John can pick her up, he does. I need to make myself more known in the preschool classroom. Who has time for this crap...
On the bright side, the kids had a great time tonight riding bikes outside in the front yard. My goal is to get Kit Kat potty trained and Hannah on a 2-wheeler. Wish me luck
You better make time missy! It's just the beginning. You know better than anyone that all the "cool" kids have their mom helping out at school. (at least in the early years!) That's right, room mom, cupcakes, parties, etc...Good luck with that!:)
You better step up to the plate! I can't believe that she only invited some of the class anyways...that shouldn't be allowed. You should cupcakes and only hand them out to a select few and see how that little girl likes it!
Why's kitty kat so happy?
that's terrible. another reason why you should pay good money for private preschool. part of your tuition goes into enforcing policies against this type of behavior. we sign a document at the beginning - invite everyone or invite no-one. very clear rules. try something like this and you find yourself expelled!
I like Paige's cupcake idea! LOL
Who is going to jog next to Hannah while she learns how to ride the 2 wheeler?? :) that was the worst part :(!!!
She probably knows you are cheap and wanted good gifts;-)
Well that mother should be hit!!! You don't not invite a kid!!!! And get your butt up to preschool. It's a blast when you get to spend the day there with the little crazies.
And are trying to kill yourself??? 2 wheeling AND potty training??? Let Hannah ride with the training wheels for a while. Good lord do one thing at a time or your going to go even more nuts.
Kate is so sweet when she smiles!!! Love them!!!
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