Monday, May 11, 2009

as dora says...

The pictures are out of order for some reason so you'll have to put them in order yourself:)

we did it, we did it, we did it, HOORAY!
Meghan has officially rolled over. She doesn't like her tummy very much, but the minute you put her down, she arches her back and rolls over.
She continues to be about the best baby there is. I actually can get things done because she is still sleeping. I keep wondering when I am going to jinx myself by saying that. Today she fell asleep at 11am and woke up at 6pm. I kid you not! Her big sisters love her...well, Hannah at least. Kate has taken to poking her in the eye and pinching and scratching her. Lots of fun to make sure that doesn't happen. I can't leave Kate alone for a second!


caxline said...

my child still isn't rolling over...what is up with that???

kkp1220 said...

Just don't mess her up like the others;-)


How does she have time to practice if she sleeps all day??

cari said...

What a good baby!!!! Love how chunky she is!!! Can't wait to hear all the crazy sister stories from the next week or so :)

Bill and Paige said...

Here's to hoping she stays sweet and not turn into the rest of them!!!

I can't wait to meet her!!

Garb Fam said...

Now she will just roll herself across the room when you are ignoring her ;0)

Sandy said...

yay meghan!! can't believe she slept that long, how nice!! Now if only you can get Kate to stop poking her little sister's eyes out ;) lol!! Austin hasn't figured out how to do that yet, but I am sure he will soon ;)