Bubba, as she is
affectionately known in our family, why, well because she just is a
Bubba. She just chills 24 hours a day. She doesn't fuss, she just is, so we call her
Bubba had her 1st taste of food yesterday. I forget how hard it is to feed a baby and how hard it is for them to eat for the first time. I gave her puffins first and she wanted no part of it as you can tell by the look. I thought I remembered them just melting in their mouth, but that wasn't the case. It took a while to melt down. We then followed up with rice cereal this morning. I think she got some of it down, but not much. Hopefully she'll get the hang of it soon because frankly I can't take the nighttime feedings anymore. I can't complain about her because she is the BEST baby ever, but her downfall is waking up 2 times a night for a little
snacky snack! I am hoping the cereal satisfies her hunger:)

Meghan with her first puffin.

After the feeding was all over

I just had to throw this one in. I caught Kate in the bathroom the other day like this.

During the rice cereal

Right after the first spoon

Before the big eat