Kate and Hannah the night of her surgery

My friend came to visit and brought Kate this crown and earrings. She slept in it.

About 3 hours after her surgery. She was not a happy camper!

Right before surgery, they give her a relaxing drug called
verced. I tried to get a
perscription, but they weren't to on board with it:)
We are home safe and sound from Kate's surgery. She ended up getting tubes in her ears, her adenoids had partially grown back so those were removed, and she had her
tonsils removed. It is not a fun recovery.
We left her with the
drs about 7:20 am. The surgery was almost an hour exactly. The
ENT came out and told us that there was
definitely fluid in her ear. It was so thick he referred to it as gel as opposed to the fluid normally in there. He actually had to suction it out. Her adenoids had grown back a little, and her tonsils were not only enlarged, but had puss all around them. He was very happy with what he saw in the sense that it was an answer for what we were seeing at home. The not talking, runny nose, snoring. He is cautiously
optimistic and he put it that this would solve it. I am hoping more than anything that this is it and it's over!
We were in our room resting very quickly and had an uneventful day. The night...not so much. She was on medication every 3 hours and she was not feeling well. She couldn't break the fever, so I had to pat her down with wet towels. She was not happy. Luckily it was a pediatric floor and she wasn't the only one crying. Her fever would not go down. The next day, tired, cranky, and dirty, they tell me she also needs to eat. Well she doesn't eat anyways, much less when she is sick. She won't even look at food. I can tell that it hurts her so much when she swallows. Finally at 8pm they tell me I can go home. I was more than excited.
She had an okay night and okay today. She is still in a lot of pain and pretty cranky.
We are so thankful that it's over and hopefully everything went okay. I on the other hand have probably lost all my friends. Any one I talked to I said "hey what are you doing, want to watch Hannah for a while?" I pawned her off on just about anyone who would answer their phone. My poor dad was picking her up and dropping her off all over La
Mirada. I even had her going to our family friend who already watches her 3 grandchildren. My mom was in SD with my new nephew and John had to fly out of town. Needless to say it has been a very difficult time!
Thank you to all of you who kept us in your thoughts. Hopefully we are on the rode to recover, a clean nose and no more snoring. As J.J. said..."I'm glad to hear that snots is doing well!"