Tomorrow marks the end of a very special time in my life. I will welcome my last little baby. It seems like just yesterday I was pregnant with Hannah and just dying to get into maternity clothes. I hit the 12 week mark and could not understand why I was not yet ready to wear the tent like shirts and belly pouch jeans I would eventually loathe! With Kate it happened a little early, and with this one, I was in maternity clothes the minute I thought about being pregnant. The time has gone so fast and my girls are so big. I can not believe that I have taken the car seat out and the swing and all the other baby things for the last time. I have tried to enjoy being pregnant, but as most of you know, I don't do very well! I will however miss feeling someone moving around inside of me. I can't believe that in less that 15 hours I will be holding this little thing that has been growing inside me for so long.
People keep asking if the girls are excited. I don't know how much they actually understand of it. We'll see how excited they are when we actually come home:) Currently Hannah is sick, so I don't even know if she will be able to come see me in the morning.
Tomorrow I will welcome the newest little Ross female. Poor Johnny! I pray that everything turns out well and we have a healthy, happy, 72 pound little angel.
Thank you to all of you who have listened to me gripe, especially my family.
I will keep you posted...
I'll be praying for you my friend. Good Luck! I can't wait to meet your new princess.
You look so cute!! Where's your face:)
I can't wait to meet the newest Ross! Poor johnny is right:)
Enjoy your hospital stay...I know you'll love it!
Wish I could be there:(
Best wishes for tomorrow. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. We so wish we could be there to welcome the last little Ross baby!!
Well, Courtney, I know exactly how you feel--the way I felt w/ Kelsey--doing everything for the last time. You will love having three girls, and so will Johnny. He will get his boys later on down the line like Dad did. Sons-in-law are special guys too, and until that time, Johnny will have a special bond w/ his girls. I will be thinking about you and praying for a safe delivery, and a healthy baby. See you tomorrow. I love you!!! You are my best girl.
Congratulations COurtney and good luck, I cannnot even imagine!!
good luck...can't wait to meet the newest addition!
You actually look half way decent in that picture;-) I will not miss your maternity sweats and t-shirt. I will be glad to see them go. Please don't offer them to anyone, just toss them. Good luck!!
Good Luck Courtney!! I hope you have a smooth delivery and all goes well!! We can't wait to meet this little girl!! Post some pics of your new little angel when you can!!! We will be thinking of you guys!! :)
Your a good Mom!
I love ya!
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