I can't believe that one week ago tonight we were awaiting the arrival of you. I went to bed the mommy of 2 girls on Monday night and the mommy of 3 on Tuesday. You are such a little miracle. Just 10 months ago you were a little bean and now you are the most beautiful baby in the whole world. Also, the best. Since the time of your birth 2:14 pm, you have pretty much been asleep the whole time. I am not even kidding. I am taking in every moment with you though. Your grandma Ross is here to help with your big sisters, so I am able to just hold you and kiss your face and you little lips. I was always in such a hurry with Hannah and Kate when they were little. I would put them down when they were sleeping, but with you, I think I know you are my last, so I try to not waste a second. I love you so, so much I can not even keep it in. Your daddy and your sisters love you too. Kate cries hourly just wanting to hold you. She doesn't say much, but all day you hear..."baby, baby!" I know how fast it is going to go and it breaks my heart. You are the perfect completion to our family. I hope I can be the best mommy in the world for you. I want to give you everything you need (...and want:)) I am so thankful that God sent me you. No one could be more perfect!
She better enjoy the "best baby" title becuase she only has a few more weeks to hold it:)
Is that the only picture you have of the 2 of you? Take some new ones:)
awww...so cute. can't wait to megsy wakes up so you can get a real taste of being a mother of 3!
She is so cute!!
Give me more close ups of the chubby cheeks!!
She is absolutely adorable!! Look at that dark hair!! :) We are so happy for you guys!
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