Saturday, October 4, 2008

Go Buckeyes

It's not the same without their cute cheerleading costumes, but here are Hannah and Kate watching the last minute of the Ohio State game. We had already changed and bathed, but they had to watch the end.

Dad had a lot of cuss words going on, so he is delegated to the garage to watch the game!!!


late4game said...

Well, we pulled it out in the end, and that's what counts. No on to the Dodgers!!

late4game said...

Now on to the Dodgers.

Bill and Paige said...

Kate looks so cute cheering at the TV!

kkp1220 said...

I can only imagine the words out of John's mouth and the screams (high pitched) out of mom's;-)

Garb Fam said...

Do you own stock in Gymboree? We were rooting for your Buckeyes - although they made me sweat...

skinnyfat said...

i feel like a total blog stalker when i come on your site because of your "visitors" thing. if it's from cerritos - that would be me! rippe ross sounds like it's the name of a WWF wrestler, or an adult entertainer. HA HA.