Saturday, July 23, 2011

no words

no words can describe my day. i am becoming weary and 2nd guessing. we have worked for hours everyday and it feels like nothing getting better, though i know it is.

today we had my dad's help, our neighbor johnny, and matt...THANK GOD! it's amazing what they got through. they weeded through the mess to clear out more of the backyard. the roots of these plants/trees can be used as ropes to tie things down. it is absolutely more than i can even explain to you. thankfully we have had some people come visit and they can attest to the jungle atmosphere.

we also demoed the bathroom. not quite completely, but the tile in the shower and counter tops. the rest should come out pretty easily...comparatively!!!

side yard
side yard after.
we had 1 loads today and 1 yesterday and it barely cut a dent into it
truck and trailer were FULL for all dumps
let the demolition begin
me doing demolition. if it weren't for the darn studs i would have had a great time:) they kept getting in the way
during. tile in little pieces is so much more than tile in squares

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 5...with a little help

Today was a big break through. I'm giving all the details, but feel free not to read and just look at pictures, I won't be offended!

My day started off as Kelsey Putz at Massage Envy for a 60 minute massage. I lost sleep over the nerves from getting caught. What would I do if they asked for id? Well, I had my story. I got in fine no id required, but in true Courtney fashion, I spend the entire time worrying that someone I knew was either an employee or knew me or knew Kelsey, so I STRESSED out for an hour! So, if you know me and see me at Massage Envy, please call me Kelsey and ask me how Arizona is!

So, I went over there alone this morning to finish the molding in our room and finish filling up the trailer of green waste. We needed to dump it today so we could load it with the wood from the patio cover. Got it all done and to my surprise, Matty arrived with a chainsaw about 3 hours earlier than expected. He went at all the bushes and in no time we were seeing a wall! I left for a bit came back and the wall was showing along with a nice little white bench that actually might be worth keeping:) I switched places with my mother in law, took the kids swimming with the Axlines and she went to the house. My dad, bro in law, John, and his mom took down the patio cover. Well, my dad might not have been involved in that. His job was to take plants down the street to all the houses and find green waste cans that had room for trash pick up today. In the meantime he met many neighbors and apparently took some for a tour of the lovely pit! All I kept hearing all day was that he needed to eat. He needed his medicine and he couldn't take his medicine until he ate. When he finally did get some food I heard him telling Matt and John he didn't know whether to call it lunch or dinner! Gotta love him!

I still can't figure out this picture order...i know last picture uploaded is the 1st one seen, but I always get it confused, but you get my point!

the 3 amigos
the 2 amigas that did the work

the first dump of the patio cover
the last beam
either amazed at their work or wondering what the hell john and i were thinking with this purchase
the bench
we do have a side fence. not sure how the neighbors next door feel. the wall is low and they probably have never seen the house next door through the yard.
what it looked like mid cuts

day 4 a day late...sorry

This is the result of the 3 rooms. Most of it was done the day before!

Today was a light day for me. I am exhausted! I went over there after I made a quick return to babygap (that's a whole other story). I stayed about 3 hours and then came home, took a shower, put my jammies on and laid in bed all day! Thank GOD my mother in law is here. She is in complete control of my 3 precious gifts!!!!

I went through the 3 bedrooms and finished all the carpet tack strips. This is a pain in the but and I am so thankful that I will (hopefully) never do again. It doesn't look like a lot but it really was!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

day 3...a little like day 2 only longer

Forgive me, my pictures are backwards, so for these pictures to make sense, scroll down and read up!

I had a busy busy day to say the least. Hammering, lifting, sweeping, cutting, raking, destroying the habitat of many bugs, crying, crying, moaning, etc. Oh, and a nice man came and put a forclosure sign on our front door. Apparantly the owner of the house finally went into forclosure. Its schedule to sell at auction on Aug. 9 so if any of you are looking in brea... He told me to call the number and to have the realtor change the ownership to take care of it.

I left my house this morning at 8am and returned home to La Mirada at 9pm. The entire day I worked. I have never in my life put so much into one thing for more than 1 consecutive day in my life. It is brutal. My hands hurts, my feet ache, and so on. Honestly though, I can see progress. We got a little thumbs up from a few sets of neighbors. I think they see $$ with us that their property value will rise:) My mom and dad and mother in law have been key. My dad was there today cracking me up. Everytime I would go to rip something down he would say "your not keeping that?" or "this looks brand new!" Let me reiterate...nothing we are keeping and nothing is brand new! My mom cleaned he fridge for 3 hours today and took care of getting it fixed under warranty even though it wasn't:) My mother in law kept my girls ALL day!

the side yard when we left tonight...all thanks to John!
the side yard this morning
the tack strips used to hold down the carpet came out in shreds because of moisture, rotting, and termite damage. I took it almost all out in 3 of the 4 bedrooms
yes, this man lived with this refrigerator **GROSS**
this little lot took way too long
his version of grass. this stuff is connected with a million little roots. It took almost 3 hours an i hardly got any removed:(
all done
I had no idea roots and stems could be this thick on jasmine
the jasmine in front of the house
me with the wacker
What it started out looking like this am

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

day 2

There is a softball cheer that I think people should chant to me. "we are proud of you say we are proud of you..hey hey hey!" Today I got to the house in the early a.m. and all by myself ripped, cut, rolled, taped, and moved 2100 sq. feet of carpet into a trash trailer BY MYSELF!! I thought I was going to die. Literally. My hands were throbbing. My mom came over and she cleaned out the refrigerator which was absolutely the grossest thing I have ever seen. He left us 2 trash cans of food. Wasn't that nice of him? My dad then came over and proceeded to walk around the house telling me "Oh you can keep that." NO DAD! there is nothing that we want to keep! "why?" he would ask, "it seems nice" "just for now" I tried to explain to him that there was nothing we felt of value to keep, but he kept insisting and then asking if he could then take it for his garage if we didn't want it! Oh my!!!

the was chuck full of food and this is what was behind all the food
how does free standing mustard get mold? i don't wanna know
my mom filled 2 of these with what was in the refrigerator and freezer
my finished product...for those that know me...i know you are impressed
the hallway
room without carpet
beautiful linoleum underneath carpet in kate's room
getting started

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Journey Begins....

Well, we got it! John and I got the keys to our new house today. We are in a bigger house, a bigger lot, and down the street from the girls school. Our excitement was quickly dashed once we got in and walked around. We knew how much work it was, but seeing it empty and really coming to grips with what needs to be done made me want to cry! It is going to be a lot of work. Yes, totally worth it in the end, but WOW!!! How, when, and with what $$$ are we going to do it. My John is a perfectionist and as much as he doesn't want to do it himself he will not have anyone do it because it won't be as good as him, and unfortunately he is right. He can do anything and I know in time he will make this new house of ours a home. Wish us luck as we embark on this journey. Your prayers will be much appreciated:) Our marriage will need it! Here are pictures of the house...I just can't bear posting pictures of the backyard. I will though, maybe tomorrow. Check back often, I will do my best to update the progress of our 'home.' Hopefully there will be big changes everyday!

What met us in the garage
The view from the kitchen looking into the eating area
The view from the eating area looking into the kitchen
The best part, clean or dirty, my closet!!!!
Why on earth this man had this I will not know!
He left this for us in the bathroom?????
We have a thing for buying houses with blue carpet! Our home now had blue carpet
Linoleum too! Underneath the whole house is this. On the bright side, there is probably hard wood floors under that!
The shower to the right and a big space next to it. Thinking about doing his and her showers
the view from our door into the master bedroom
the hall way looking into where all the rooms are
an alarm? maybe he was worried an entomologist was going to come and get all the spiders and bugs
under the kitchen sink
kind of freaky, we kept it, a cross from palms fell out of the trash as we were staring at it
there's already an office in the garage for John
with a built in desk
a homage to my mom
the beautiful bushes in front of the house.