Well, we got it! John and I got the keys to our new house today. We are in a bigger house, a bigger lot, and down the street from the girls school. Our excitement was quickly dashed once we got in and walked around. We knew how much work it was, but seeing it empty and really coming to grips with what needs to be done made me want to cry! It is going to be a lot of work. Yes, totally worth it in the end, but WOW!!! How, when, and with what $$$ are we going to do it. My John is a perfectionist and as much as he doesn't want to do it himself he will not have anyone do it because it won't be as good as him, and unfortunately he is right. He can do anything and I know in time he will make this new house of ours a home. Wish us luck as we embark on this journey. Your prayers will be much appreciated:) Our marriage will need it! Here are pictures of the house...I just can't bear posting pictures of the backyard. I will though, maybe tomorrow. Check back often, I will do my best to update the progress of our 'home.' Hopefully there will be big changes everyday!

What met us in the garage

The view from the kitchen looking into the eating area
The view from the eating area looking into the kitchen
The best part, clean or dirty, my closet!!!!

Why on earth this man had this I will not know!

He left this for us in the bathroom?????
We have a thing for buying houses with blue carpet! Our home now had blue carpet

Linoleum too! Underneath the whole house is this. On the bright side, there is probably hard wood floors under that!

The shower to the right and a big space next to it. Thinking about doing his and her showers
the view from our door into the master bedroom

the hall way looking into where all the rooms are
an alarm? maybe he was worried an entomologist was going to come and get all the spiders and bugs
under the kitchen sink
kind of freaky, we kept it, a cross from palms fell out of the trash as we were staring at it
there's already an office in the garage for John

with a built in desk
a homage to my mom
the beautiful bushes in front of the house.
Court it is gonna be great. I am keeping Billy awake laughing at your comments hey look at the bright side, mr. You know who ( from bass lake) might not be able to find you!!! Miss you!
those pictures don't do it justice!! The master looks so much nicer without the 3 beds covered in plastic in it :)
It's going to be great! Hayley can't wait to have a slumber party with mimi in Sept!!!
I think you should invite all your friends for a cleaning party. I'll even buy lunch for everyone. Meet me there in the morning. Come one, come all!!!!!
Definitely looks better without his crap!! You will be fine. I can't wait to see it come together. I will help anyway I can when I'm there either watching the kids or getting a sitter to help demo (can't wear lulu to demo so I'd need to borrow some dog shirt and shorts from mom). It will be great can't wait for the arhitect come give ideas ( should be #1 on the list). Xoxo
I can't wait to help and get my hands on the 47 bottles of salad dressing and other crap that IS NOT making the move!!! you will have so much space, you won't know what to do with it.
Congrats on the house. I am sure you guys will make it look like home in no time. We can't wait to see it! Now we are really going to have to come out! Maybe I might have to send Seth for a weekend to help!!
Julie, send Seth for a month. Isn't his dad an architect? Send him too. And anyone else who would like to help!!!
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