no words can describe my day. i am becoming weary and 2nd guessing. we have worked for hours everyday and it feels like nothing getting better, though i know it is.
today we had my dad's help, our neighbor johnny, and matt...THANK GOD! it's amazing what they got through. they weeded through the mess to clear out more of the backyard. the roots of these plants/trees can be used as ropes to tie things down. it is absolutely more than i can even explain to you. thankfully we have had some people come visit and they can attest to the jungle atmosphere.
we also demoed the bathroom. not quite completely, but the tile in the shower and counter tops. the rest should come out pretty easily...comparatively!!!

side yard

side yard after.
we had 1 loads today and 1 yesterday and it barely cut a dent into it
truck and trailer were FULL for all dumps
let the demolition begin

me doing demolition. if it weren't for the darn studs i would have had a great time:) they kept getting in the way
during. tile in little pieces is so much more than tile in squares

Stay positve, it is gonna be great. I can help next thurs/friday when I am there and then again before the lake;-)
holy cow, you guys have been busy...and hard at work!!! I can't believe what all you have to do! But kelsey is right, it's going to be amazing to see when it's all done, you hang in there!!! Wish I could come and help too, I love that kind of stuff!
You guys probably need a day's break to just kick back. You are making amazing progress. No second guessing. It will be beautiful when finished. You have a lot of support, even if we're not all strong. We'll do what we can. Keep plugging away and supporting Johnny, who will do an excellent job.
i want to see more pictures of your progress!! Brian and I seriously check your website every night!! You have become a little reality tv show on home remodeling projects for us!! quit working will ya and give us some updates already ;)
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