There is a softball cheer that I think people should chant to me. "we are proud of you say we are proud of you..hey hey hey!" Today I got to the house in the early a.m. and all by myself ripped, cut, rolled, taped, and moved 2100 sq. feet of carpet into a trash trailer BY MYSELF!! I thought I was going to die. Literally. My hands were throbbing. My mom came over and she cleaned out the refrigerator which was absolutely the grossest thing I have ever seen. He left us 2 trash cans of food. Wasn't that nice of him? My dad then came over and proceeded to walk around the house telling me "Oh you can keep that." NO DAD! there is nothing that we want to keep! "why?" he would ask, "it seems nice" "just for now" I tried to explain to him that there was nothing we felt of value to keep, but he kept insisting and then asking if he could then take it for his garage if we didn't want it! Oh my!!!
the was chuck full of food and this is what was behind all the food
how does free standing mustard get mold? i don't wanna know

my mom filled 2 of these with what was in the refrigerator and freezer
my finished product...for those that know me...i know you are impressed

the hallway

room without carpet
beautiful linoleum underneath carpet in kate's room

getting started
I am really impressed! I know it looks like a lot of work now (and it is) but when it is all done, it will be worth it. Keep the pictures coming!
I'm so on earth did you know how to do that???
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