Dirty clothes in the hallway. Mind you, see that open door that they are right next to? That's the bathroom with a nice 100.00 Pottery Barn hamper in there, just ready to be used:)

His jacket from the day, they day before yesterday. Still sitting there!

A hat underneath the couch.

His shoes to the right of the console. Hey, you never know when you'll need to leave in hurry. It's always good to have a pair of dress shoes and a pair of work shoes readily available.

A hat (next to the business cards). That is where you keep a hat for a few days right?

Business cards that I am sure he will need and blame me for putting somewhere.

His shoes to the left of the console.
John has this way about him that he states is not complaining that he's just helping me out. I think it's complaining, especially when he gets his whiney voice. He likes to let other people know how messy and disorganized I am. Well here are a few of his things that are out at ONE TIME!!!
Now honestly, this is all in one day. I swear!
WAY TOO FUNNY! I love it!
you guys are like two peas in a pod...seriously john ross - pick up your junk!!!
Let's not forget the bra in the couch Court.
love ya-K
That looks like someone I know in my house and he is not a child!!!!
At least John's things are out of place neatly. That's more than I can say for someone else I know!
Too funny! But I can see a spatula sitting on the dresser (which is not in the kitchen)!!
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