Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Paige did this, here are the rules...

The rules:Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some weird, some random. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

I don't have 7 friends that are not already included, but I know Paige forgot Kelsey, and she was a little sensitive about it, so I will tag her.

1. I am obsessed with buying my kids Gymboree clothes. I buy full price, I receive a coupon in the mail, I take it back and rebuy it. I save it for a while and when it goes on sale again, I take that back and rebuy. If they don't have it, I make up some story with the lady at the counter telling them that I want to return this, but my sister wants it so can I rebuy it?

2. I too, love TIVO. I Tivo anything and everything I think I might like. My TIVO has currently only 2% available.

3. I love The View. Everyone on it bugs me at some point (even Elisabeth) but I watch it faithfully everyday.

4. I can't get over the fact when they cancel new shows that I loved like Hyperion Bay (with Zack from Saved by the Bell) and What About Brian. My friend Molly and I still talk about the shows we loved.j

5. I have resorted to getting Hannah's smoothie drink ready at night since she wakes up so early in the morning, and telling her to go get it in the refrigerator.

6. I need my mom and sisters almost on a daily basis.

7. I love baseball and college football.

Now it's Kelsey's turn


Bill and Paige said...

I forgot Candace, not Kelsey. So Candace, it's your turn!

I have to say you've gotten better about #1. You used to make me or kelsey return things for you and make up a story! I'm so proud:)

kkp1220 said...

It was candace, not me;-)

themonteleones said...

How in the world do you have that much time to spend at Gymboree????? Do you go to different stores? It seems like they would catch on.

Kelly said...

Paige got me too. I am just trying to think of 7 interesting things about me that my everybody would like to know.