Monday, September 29, 2008

One to talk

My sisters are full of advice for how to raise my children. When to discipline them and what to discipline them for. What they should eat, when they should eat it and how much. Where I should buy clothes or should not buy them, etc. You get the picture. I am here at Candace's today and these are some of the things I have learned about this all powerful mom who is quick to give me advice.

Candace has brand new clothes that she is giving away because Mallory won't wear pants.

There is not closet rod in Mallory's room for Candace to hang clothes on because Mallory will just pull it down.

There is a bed next to the crib because Mallory won't sleep in it.

There's much more, but of course I can't remember. I'll be back!!!

I'm back... a few more I can remember

The vitamins are way up high because apparantly that is Bennett's and Mallory's drug of choice. They whine until they get their vitamins.

The kids are not allowed to play in their room because they will get into everything and take everything out or write on the wall. (mind you Candace was the prime advocate for me putting Hannah's room on lock down, which I did and am so thankful for!)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Still broken

My computer is still broken. I drove down to SD today to hang out with Candace, so she is watching the kids in the bath (I bathed them Paige and Kelsey!!) and I am trying to catch up. Here are a few pictures of the girls. Nothing new to report.

A funny thing happened on the way down...

Hannah is always telling me I want. I want this and I want that. "But I want it" is her famous line. I tell her "you know what Hannah, I want a lot of money, but I just can't have it."

So, Kate is crying the whole way down because her headphone for the movie is not working. I hear Hannah tell her "you know what Kate, I want a hundred dollar bill, but you don't get everything you want:)"
Below is Hannah getting her ears pierced. We went back in August for her birthday.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Happy Birthday to KATE!

Sorry the pictures are all on different posts.

Our baby girl is 2. Happy Birthday Kate!! We love you!
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Friday, September 19, 2008

And one more thing...

I forgot another funny thing that happened when Kelsey and I went shopping...

We are leaving the mall at South Coast and decide just to go home and eat closer to home. Mind you it's 1:00 now. We decide she want Del Taco and I want Jack in the Box. There is an offramp, a little out of the way, but never the less, one that has both. We go right for her and then get back on the main street and go left for me. She orders her burrito and cheese fries. I order and fajita pita and drink and fries. As she is finishing the order, she throws on a breakfast jack. She proceeds to tell me that they are good for you? A breakfast jack from Jack in the Box? Okay Kelsey, maybe that's why you are always complaining about your weight. Anyways, she eats the breakfast jack and the entire way home she is commenting on how good it is and fresh and warm.

Well of course it is, it's 1:00 in the afternoon who the hell is making breakfast jacks to sit and wait for someone to order. They probably had to get the eggs from the chickens. It's lunch time!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oh the irony

For those of you know know Paige, you will appreciate this story.

Our family is on Vacation at Bass lake circa 1998. Paige is just over legal drinking age...if that. She comes to Bass Lake with her boyfriend and to make a long story short tells my parents they are engaged. My mom starts balling and tells her absolutely not and pulls her into the room. To make a long story short, she doesn't marry him and end up marrying a wonderful guy Bill.

Now to the irony. I have my computer back, but my WiFi is down. As I search my neighbors signals, who is the only one that comes up...none other the WEAVSAM a.k.a. Sam Weaver, Paiges 1st fiance.

If you know WEAVSAM don't tell him we are on his signal PPPPLLLLEEEEAAAASSSEEE! It's the only life line I have right now!!


A couple of things I am wondering right now...

^How many diet cokes can a pregnant person really have before it endangers the baby?
^Why don't I just get up and change the station instead of spending 20 minutes looking for the remote?
^The book says at 21 week I should have only gained 10 pounds??? WTF Why am I up 35?
^Why doesn't everyone higher a nanny? My mother in law has been here since Fri. and I haven't seen my kids since then.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Shopping with Kelsey

Today Kelsey and I dropped Hannah off at school and left Kate, Lauren, and Kaelyn with Grandma Ross.  We headed off to Fashion Island where we needed to just go to two stores.  Anyone who knows Kelsey, knows this is basically impossible.  We stayed a while in LuLu Lemon, we then headed off to Hanna Anderson to spend her reward dollars.   Here is where the story gets good.

We are shopping around for the twins and she has to spend 100.00 to get 50.00 off.  She is trying to explain to the lady that she lives in AZ and it's 100 degrees and the warm winter jackets just won't cut it.  She is getting irritated.  Instead of appeasing the lady who is trying to show her things and kept telling her..."isn't this adorable?"  Me being me would have just agreed as to not make the lady feel bad.  Kelsey being a little bitchy straight out tells her "that doesn't do it for me!"  FLAT OUT.  She then feels like she is going to faint.  So she sits her fat but down in front of the cash register and proceeds to tell the lady, "I am pregnant and I feel like I'm going to pass out!"  The lady freaks and brings her a chair.  She regains her composure and we find enough things to buy.  

She then decides she has to go to the bathroom but they can't let you use theirs unless your with an employee and no one was available.  So we head off to Babystyle where the bathroom is out of order.  She is now freaking out and being rather nasty to me too!  We go to McDonalds where we each get a snack wrap, a  drink, and we share fries...Large fries.  As she is mowing the fries, she tells me she can't wait for lunch and where are we going to go.  I let her know that she is being mean to me:)  In the meantime J is trying to send her a picture text of a dresser he is buying and PBK, but it won't show so she is cursing her new apple phone.

We leave FI and head off to South Coast where we can't decide where to park because we need a store on each end and her feet hurt.  We park and decide to walk the mall.  We are both exhausted at this point and can barely think straight!  

There's more to the story, but I am so tired right now that I can't finish.  I will return.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

We can answer Hillary's 4 am wake up call

We started our day off at 4:30 am.  John got up, showered and was on his way to tailgate at the Coliseum with his friends from OSU!!  The game starts at  He should be exhausted!!  He has very negative feelings toward the game and keeps telling us that Ohio State doesn't match up well.  I guess we'll see!  The girls got new cheerleader outfits from Grandma Ross and they are ready to go.  We'll be at my mom's watching the game with 6 kids:)  Candace, Matt, my mom, and John are all there!!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We're adults

After 2 cars, a house, and 2 + kids John and I have finally become adults. Thanks to his mom and dad, we now have a nice, new entertainment center. It is so nice and I have strict instructions not to fill the drawers. (I have a habit of shoving things into drawers) It makes watching

Real World
Tori and Dean
The Hills
Brooke Knows Best
American Idol
The View
Regis and Kelley
Dr. Phil
Pamela Anderson...Girl on the Loose
much nicer.
Oh Yeah, the other side came broken, so they are delivering it at a later date!

36 more days

Getting ready to go to school.
Hannah in front of her cubbies. Her lunch box is one of the many Dora ones there. What are the odds that she decides one day she doesn't like hers and tries to take someone elses? I say pretty high:)
Hannah and our neighbor. They were very excited to play with each other.

...of work for this school year:) I started work last week. I have a new partner and I am really looking forward to working with her.

The girls are good. Hannah has recently informed me that she doesn't want to go to kindergarten and she doesn't want to turn 5??? I don't know what kind of gerbal runs around in that head of hers. She has started school and loves having friends in her class from last year.

Kate is still mute. No words, nothing. She will be 2 next week.
Our little nugget is growing well. I have begun to feel her moving around. I am trying to enjoy it since this is my last little one, but the extra 30 pounds and 2 active kids makes it very un enjoyable:)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Ismelda Marcos

I think she is the lady with all the shoes:)

My mom, god love her, has a very eclectic taste in shoes, and a lot of them (she has 3 shoes holders that holds 10 each)

We went to Nordstroms today and she bought 3 pairs of shoes and a pair of slippers. As she was buying them she says "now I will get rid of some"

Good I say, you need to. You have too many shoes and they are all the same.

We get home and she is putting her new shoes away and I hear her rearranging and counting. As she is talking to herself, I hear..."I am going to need a new shoe rack!!!!!!!!" I guess that means she is not getting rid of any shoes.

P.S. Closed toed shoes with no backs and printed sock are out mom.